4 Benefits of Massage Therapy


Massage Therapy is one of the best things you can do to support your body. There is a lot of things that massage can help benefit. The obvious one is help you relax- but massage therapy can be used to help a multitude of different issues.


Massage started at early as 2,700 BCE, which is nearly 5,000 years ago! A practice that is continually developed and improved through the many years it has been around. It is one of best practices for full body and mind care- it is always important to look after your mental health as much as your physical health.


1. Reduces Stress

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, having high cortisol levels can do a lot of negative to the body. Stress shouldn’t be a normal thing to put our bodes through regularly. Although sometimes it can’t be helped, and this is where massage therapy steps in.


By relaxing the muscles and working out tension we are supporting the body in removing the consequences of prolonged stress. Stress SHOULDN’T last more than a week. If you do have prolonged stress there are multiple issues, you’re opening yourself to, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches
  • Addiction

And much more…

Reducing stress and managing stress through massage therapy is something beneficial to your overall health, whether mental, physical, or emotional.


Massage helps with the regulation of cortisol, encouraging the hormone to slow down and be removed from the body. It is incredible how our bodies work!

2. Encourages faster healing

Whether you’ve sprained a muscle, pulled your back, over strained your side, and so on, massage therapy can help you heal faster. Blood carries white blood cells, oxygen rich red blood cells, and platelets. All you need to heal and overcome injury.


Massage therapy doesn’t only help regulate your blood pressure. They also use specific techniques and movement to promote better circulated blood. Better your circulation = faster healing. The injured area is receiving everything it needs to heal, faster and more effectively than it would without.


3. Improved immune system

Find yourself frequently catching a cold that doesn’t shift? Struggling with a cough? Massage therapy helps your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is one of your barriers of defence when it comes to illness.


The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic fluid that helps drain and clear infections. Therefore, supporting and strengthening your immune system. Through massage we use techniques and pressure points that encourage the lymphatic nodes to drain, reducing inflammation and infection.


Without this your body will heal slower, and infection or illness can linger longer in the body. Causing an infection to develop into something worse, or to mutate into another variant of the original illness. Meaning you are ill for a lot longer.


4. Increase in range of motion

No one likes to feel stiff, or seeing their flexibility decrease for whatever reason. It’s not just stretches that can encourage your joints and muscles to move to their fullest potential.


Massage therapy works with the tissue elasticity and muscle fibres to help increase your range of movement. Few of us notice when turning our neck becomes a problem until it is limiting our lives. What if we said that you don’t have to notice problems you aren’t dealing with…


Because that is exactly what we are saying with massage therapy. A lot of motion based problems can be solved before they become problematic and hinder your daily life.


There are many more benefits to massage therapy. But it is safe to say that massage therapy really is one of the best things we can do for our bodies and minds.


For more information on how chiropractic care might help you, you can call us on 01204 848 887, or email us on info@boltonspinalhealth.co.uk


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