Baby Chiropractic Care? What is it?


Many people assume that babies don’t need any spinal care, simply because they haven’t been alive long enough to have spinal problems. That is a common misconception, there is an area of chiropractic just for young children. Babies, children, and adults all need to maintain their spinal health, and for the younger ones they need to support their spine for growth.


Your baby can experience various physical complications during childbirth. When their spine gets misaligned, they could develop asthma, digestive problems, and have difficulty with breastfeeding. Fortunately, these issues can be helped by taking your little one to a chiropractor trained in paediatrics.


It’s safe for newborns within the first few weeks after birth to receive chiropractic care. A trained paediatric chiropractor uses soft pressure to make gentle spine alignments to help restore normal nervous system function and promote the body to heal. These movements don’t cause your baby any pain.


How do I know if my baby needs to see a chiropractor?


With any of our guests, we always have a consultation. It is during this time we would do our own checks and tests to evaluate whether your baby would benefit from chiropractic care or not.


If we believe they might benefit from chiropractic care, then we talk through how appointments would work. We will answer any and all of your questions, and we make sure you are as well informed as possible before starting any  treatment.


Does paediatric chiropractic care only cover babies?


Absolutely not!! Any chiropractor that is trained in paediatrics is able to support babies, pregnancy, toddlers, and so on. Chiropractic is not limited by age, gender, sex or alike.


We believe everyone has the right to chiropractic care. We try to make chiropractic care available to all those who may need it.


Receiving chiropractic care and maintaining your spinal health is one of the best things you can do for yourself health wise. By encouraging healing and support, not only are you protecting your nerves. You are allowing for your joints, muscles, and tendons to be supported.


How can baby chiropractic care help?


Chiropractic care is an underrated choice for medical support, especially since it can do so much for you. Not only does it promote healing, encourage healthy cell maintenance, relieve pain, and more. But, it allows for overworked muscles to be stimulated and corrected so they do the job they are required to do.


Muscles can be known to ‘turn off’ which means they need a little extra work. For example, think of it like every muscle has a to-do list. If one muscle doesn’t do what is on their to-do list other muscles take over. This muscle then ignores their to-do list altogether and ‘turns off’.


These surrounding muscles then become overworked as they have to pick up the other jobs on the to-do list that weren’t theirs. The overworked muscles hold tension, become stiff, and can become really painful. So, the muscles need to be supported, and we get to ‘turning on’ that ‘off’ muscle so it can do its job properly through chiropractic care.


Often times we won’t realise a muscle has done this until there are symptoms like aching, muscle knots, pain, or restricted movement. It is at this point you should seek a chiropractor, and/or a massage therapist. They can begin treatment and give you maintenance so we can try to prevent this issue from happening again.


So, why does my baby need to see a chiropractor?


We recommend that everyone at some point in their different stages of life, goes and sees a chiropractor. This is so we can support growth, protect the spine, encourage blood flow and healing, and to make sure that you are pain free. We want you to be able to live life to the fullest.


We have our own paediatric chiropractor, Shi Ying, she is able to work alongside pregnant people, babies and toddlers. In clinic Shi Ying doesn’t only work with young children and babies, paediatrics is just one of her specialities.


Contact us:


If you have any questions about baby chiropractic care, or chiropractic care in general. Then get in contact with us today. You can call us on 01204 848887, or email us on


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