It’s important to state that Chiropractic is not a cure for these conditions. We all have within us, a natural ability to heal ourselves. Chiropractic simply removes the nerve interference in the body which then allows the body to start to heal itself.

How Chiropractic Adjustments Benefit Children

The nervous system is our master control system. When there is a restricted movement in the spinal bones the nerves linked from the spinal cord to the brain are pressed leading to them being blocked and not allowing messages to pass through. This is called Subluxation.

Subluxation could create problems with any organ and/or system in the body. Common subluxations in babies and children relate to the digestive system. Many children struggle with digestion during their infant years. Chiropractic adjustments re-align the spine, taking the pressure off the nerves which allows your child’s body to begin to heal itself.

It is therefore essential for your child’s health and smooth growth to consult with a Chiropractor and have regular chiropractic check-ups. Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial for children’s health. Ideally, Chiropractic care should be used as a prevention of problems rather than a cure for existing issues!

Colds, Ear Infections

If your child has regular ear, nose or throat infections then their immune system cannot be functioning at 100%! Also, if he/she gets colds often, it is crucial to find the actual cause, to avoid long term health issues. The nervous system controls the immune system, so having Chiropractic adjustments can help strengthen the immune system, which in turn may result in fewer infections and illnesses.

Head Fixation

Many parents complain about their infant’s head fixation problem. They would explain that the child won’t turn his or her head from the right or left (depending upon the case), no matter how many times they try. The child would sleep on the same side and would look in the same direction.

Although the parents may not consider it a big problem, chiropractic can evaluate and adjust the movements of the child. With the help of a Chiropractor, the child can enjoy a full range of neck and head movements.

In fact, Chiropractors often suggest that an infant is taken in for an examination within two weeks after the birth, to check there are no problems resulting from the birth process. Spinal adjustments will help the child in sitting, crawling, standing, and walking.

Sleep Problems

If your infant or toddler is having trouble sleeping or his sleep patterns are irregular, Chiropractic can help in discovering the cause of the problem and dealing with it in the most effective therapeutic manner.

Baby Sleeping

Other Problems

Chiropractic can often assist with various other problems such as:
Physical development delays
Digestive problems
Spinal problems (problems in sitting, crawling etc)
Headaches without any apparent cause

Why Is It Important For Children to Visit a Chiropractor

Since our bodies nervous system controls everything we do, the spine should be looked after to ensure there is limited interference with the messages being sent through the nervous system. The birth could be a traumatic process for your child. This means there might be a need for an adjustment by a Chiropractor.

Any misalignment, if left untreated, could cause inflammation, and become a bigger problem in later years. So even if your child appears to be fine, it’s a good idea to have a Chiropractor check them over to help prevent future problems. Kids love getting adjusted and they take a keen interest in Chiropractic treatment too.

Find out more about pregnancy and babies here

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