How to look after your back?


Your spine is one of the most important parts of the body. Holding your central nervous system, keeping your body up, holding our posture, and much more. It is incredibly important that we look after our spine.


So, how do you look after your all-important back. There are many things that you can do to help support your back and your spine. Our chiropractors are professionals in their field, which means they are professionals in back and spinal care.


Here are our top tips from our chiropractors:

1. Correct your posture whether it is while you are working, sleeping, or standing. If your work includes physical labour make sure you lift everything with your knees, or if you have to sit at a desk make sure you aren’t leaning over.

2. Do exercises that include stretches around your spine. This helps your back be as mobile as possible, this helps the muscles stay aligned and strong.

3. Keep a good diet and drink water, there are many vitamins that help support the back, your nerves, and your muscles. Drinking enough water daily can make the world of difference to your life.

4. Avoid restricting clothing such as corsets, if you are consistently wearing them or sleep in them even if it is just a nap. It can cause a lot more damage than you realise to not just your back but your ribs, the muscles, and your internal organs.

5.Wear shoes that support your feet, misalignments in the spine can cause your pelvis to misalign, this can then result in one leg appearing shorter than the other. Wearing heels puts strain on your ankles, back, pelvis, and not to mention your feet.

6. Avoid sitting on your phone, wallet, or other uneven surfaces. Sitting on uneven surfaces for long periods of time e.g., sitting on your wallet on a car journey. Can cause misalignment, pelvis, and spinal pain, and not to mention that it can cause changes in your physical appearance.

7. Get adjusted!! Whether it is once a month, twice a month or once every so often. Make sure you are getting adjusted. You can support not only your back but everything that connected. Your spine supports your whole body, if it is thrown off for whatever reason you have to get it fixed.


If you had hurt your arm and it was pointing in a different angle, you would go to the doctors. If you notice that you have a sore back, or you feel like you’re walking at an angle, then get yourself to a chiropractor.


Having just one adjustment on a regular basis can do a world of wonder. Preventing any imbalances, any soreness, any tightness in muscles, or any trapping of nerves. The more often you have a spinal adjustment, the better your chances are of helping your aches and pains.


You do not need to be in pain or have aches to get adjusted. Adjustments can help as a preventative method to many problems, they can stop problems before they start.


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