How to be healthier?


It is the New Year, which means it is not hard to predict that yours, along with most other people’s, New Year’s resolution is to be healthier.


Now, we know that you will probably start at the gym, adjust your diet, start drinking more water and less alcohol. Which is a lot of big changes, in a very small time period.


So, how do you be healthier? Well, making a lot of big changes can throw your body out of sync. It can also make it a lot harder for you to stick to all the changes. Many people last a week maybe even a month, but then return to the same habits.


Why is that? Well, through a restricting diet and changing habits can cause hormonal changes, imbalances, feelings of exhaustion and fatigue, and much more. Our bodies can end up storing fat if our bodies don’t think we are being fed enough, or becoming dehydrated.


Our tips on how to commit to your health plans:


  1. Make small changes to begin with. Commit to the gym and then after a few weeks make changes to your diet
  2. You should be drinking enough water with or without any change to your health. So, drink at least 2-3 litres , and if you are exercising you should be drinking an extra 500ml to a litre more
  3.  Practice looking after both your mental health and physical health
  4.  Listen to your body. If you are in pain then rest, if you are feeling low then do something that helps you feel better
  5.  Get adjusted!! There is nothing better for your spinal health than having it professionally looked after by a chiropractor
  6.  Commit to a routine. Have set days you only do certain things, or pre-plan your meals for the week
  7.  If your back hurts, shoulders are stiff, or have an ache you just can’t shift- then get a Chiropractor to look at it!!


What does it mean to be healthier?


It means that you start prioritising your health. Mental, physical, and emotional. It is not just losing some weight, starting a new diet, or taking vitamins. You should be your priority throughout.


We also, have some tips on how to support yourself with your emotional and mental health:


  1.  Write in a journal
  2.  Walk around for at least 20 minutes a day (this is also a great idea to do if you work at a desk or notice you have been hunched over)
  3.  Partake in a hobby. Whether it’s creative, some sort of sport, or volunteering somewhere
  4.  Read a book, do some colouring or painting. Something that is away from your electrics and away from blue light
  5.  Talk, whether you think it’s silly or daft you should always talk it out and get it out your system. You don’t need to hold things in for the sake of others, they would rather you express how you feel then almost break from the pressure of saying nothing
  6.  Separate your stress from your peace, if you are stressed due to work but feel peace at home. Then, leave your stress at the door, protect your peace and keep a safe space
  7.  Meditate or listen to music that helps you feel calm. Not only is this great to look after your mind, but calming practices can lower your blood pressure and reduce stress
  8.  Get a massage. One of the best ways to relax and focus on how you feel mentally is by removing physical tension so you can figure out what the mental tensions are and how you can help yourself


Want more information about how we can help you fulfil your health goals this year?


Contact us today:

If you have any questions or are curious about how we can help you. Then contact us through telephone on 01204 848 887 or via email from and our chiropractic assistants will be able to advise you from there.


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