Macmillan Coffee Morning provides people from all over the UK with the chance to host their very own coffee mornings, where you can share a brew or yummy piece of cake with your colleagues, friends and family. The funds you raise from your event go to Macmillan to support people living with cancer.

The official date of Macmillan’s Coffee Morning is Friday 30th September 2022, but it can be held at any time you like. We held our coffee morning on 22nd and 23rd September 2022 last week. We raised £231 in total. We set a target of £200 so we are over the moon to be able to have raised over our target we set. We had many different cakes. James Holman came with his homemade carrot cake Farida Patel our guest, came in with homemade vegetable samosas. The samosas were the preferred choice from all the other cakes.

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What does Macmillan do?

Macmillan is aware of how cancer can impact a person’s entire life, including their health, finances, family, and career. And after more than a century of providing care, they realise that the most crucial thing is to treat people as a unique individual rather than as a patient.

Macmillan takes the time to comprehend the assistance people require in order to live their life as completely as possible. They are available to assist patients in finding their best course of action starting at the time of diagnosis and whenever they need them the most. Macmillan’s assistance is wholly personalised for each individual, ensuring that each person gets the finest possible support.


How could the money raised help?

Here are a few of the ways your donations can support Macmillan:

1. £71 could help to run Macmillan’s Online Community forum for over 3 hours. Typically, that would give nearly 198 people affected by cancer both emotional and practical support

2. £100 could fund the attendance of a health and wellbeing event for a cancer patient, giving them the knowledge to better manage these aspects of their lives.

3. £350 could cover the cost of a Macmillan grant that enables a cancer-affected family to take a vacation and cherish their time together.

4. £606 could pay for a Macmillan Support Worker for a week, assisting cancer patients, their loved ones, and caregivers in managing the emotional and practical challenges of living with the condition.

5. £1135 could fund a Macmillan nurse for a week, providing vital medical, practical, and emotional assistance to those dealing with cancer and their families.

We would just like to say thank you to everyone who supported us and please support Macmillan Cancer Support if you can via the link here.

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