The start of the new school year is already only around the corner, which is hard to believe. It’s quite easy to downplay the significance of Chiropractic care when it comes to staying healthy at school. Our Chiropractors at Bolton Spinal Health want to offer some fast back to school Chiropractic advice for you or your children, whether it’s regarding back discomfort, sitting, or sleep. Here are 3 top tips that will help your children get back to school in Bolton this year.

  1. Pay Attention to Backpacks

Many parents are unaware of the significance of backpacks and how their children carry them, even though back discomfort is widespread among many adults and children. Carrying a heavy, improperly fitting bag to school each day may not seem like a big concern, but it can be problematic.

When your child next complains of back discomfort, this can be one of the causes. We advise keeping the backpack’s weight to a minimum and carrying it properly. So, how do you properly carry a backpack? The straps of a backpack should be as tight to the body as is comfortable. Usually, the opposite occurs: a child’s legs with a backpack hanging low, which over time places a tremendous amount of stress on the spine.

Best Way to Carry Backpack Back to School

  1. Pay attention to your sitting posture

If you have back problems, sitting at a desk for a prolonged period five days a week can be quite stressful. Long periods of “non-ergonomic” sitting lead to the accumulation of stress in the neck, shoulders, and back over time.

Adults work in large numbers these days in offices that offer ergonomic solutions like adjustable chairs, standing desks, etc. Unfortunately, our schools do not have access to these conveniences because fixed, non-adjustable desks are the norm in classrooms.

We advise avoiding excessive “slouching” when sitting at a desk and maintaining a straight posture. Although it may seem easy, maintaining a straight posture while sitting down will help keep the spine healthy. We should nevertheless emphasise how crucial it is to avoid sitting all day. We acknowledge that there are regulations and other considerations, but make it a point to get up and be on your feet and stay active at break time and lunch time.

  1. Make Consistent Sleep a Priority

It should come as no surprise that regular sleep and good Chiropractic health are related. Even though this is advice that is crucial all the time, the school year is when it is most crucial.

Putting sleep first can sometimes fall by the wayside due to hectic schedules of extracurricular activities and after-school programmes. We advise getting more than eight hours of sleep per night and maintaining a regular bedtime. The body and brain functioning may deteriorate if you or your child doesn’t get enough sleep each night.

When it comes to sleeping, posture is equally important. Please contact us if you require more information about your child’s sleep posture.

The goal of Bolton Spinal Health is to have our guests living life to the full. We do this with our unique and holistic approach to healthcare. Call our team today on 01204 848 887 for more information.

Need a fast examination or adjustment before the new school year begins for you or your child/children? Make an appointment with Bolton Spinal Health right away! Let us help your children’s long-term Chiropractic health since we are the top chiropractic clinic in Greater Manchester.