This week is back pain awareness week. We have 8 top tips for you in this blog post. When it comes to Back Pain many people think it’s just a sign of getting old. However, what if we told you it doesn’t have to be this way? You would probably want more information, right? That’s why in this blog post we have 8 top tips that can help with preventing back pain.


Pain is a warning sign. Your body is telling you that you have already or are about to cause damage. If what you are doing hurts then STOP.


Walks in Bolton


Regular exercise is important to help maintain mobility and strength. Exercise should be done without pain. A Brisk walking, swimming and cycling are all brilliant exercises, but you should do what is suitable for you and if you enjoy your exercise, you are more likely to continue with it. Check out these top walks in Bolton.


You don’t have to lift something heavy in-order to hurt your back. Picking up something light incorrectly is far more likely to hurt your back than picking up heavy objects correctly. Lifting things away from your body is also likely to cause damage. When you pick up anything, no matter the weight, get it as close to your body as you can and keep your back as straight as you can.


Whether you are at home, at work or in the car, prolonged sitting causes load on the discs and weakness of the muscles. Get up and move, even if it is only for a minute. You should set yourself a reminder for every 30 minutes to get up and move.


So called “comfortable chairs” do not do your back any good. They are usually too low, too soft and the seat is too long with a rounded back. They force you to slouch and sit awkwardly which puts stress on your back. Choose a chair that is supportive, allows you to sit up correctly with your feet flat on the floor.


Sleep in a comfortable position. On your side in the “foetal” position is usually the least stressful on your back. Sleeping on your front puts most stress on your back and neck and can lead to trouble. Using a pillow of the right height which supports the neck is also important.


All drugs have side effects so they should be used wisely. The use of pain killers (paracetamol, cocodomol etc.) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nurofen, brufen, diclofenac etc.) only helps to mask the symptoms and not to sort out the problem.


If you have a long-term problem with back pain, whether it is just “niggly” or disabling, or if you have a recurring problem, then chiropractic treatment and Massage therapy could help. Chiropractors can usually give you marked relief from pain and discomfort and improved quality of life as well as decreasing the likelihood of a recurrence.

As we mentioned in our opening back pain or pain in general is not just a sign of getting older. Pain is a sign that your body is telling you to STOP. Chiropractic care and massage therapy can help to relieve pain and help you live life to the full. Contact us today to find out how Bolton Spinal Health can help you.