Stretching is one of those things we know we should do but never really make time for it. Like long walks, eating better, or any other healthy habits, stretching can be difficult to incorporate into our busy lives.

Stretching is a great way to start introducing more exercise into your life. Developing a regular 10-15 mins of stretching into your exercise plan can help you in the long term. In this blog, we’re going to look at why stretching is important and how it benefits your health and wellness.

Why is stretching important?

Stretching helps to keep your muscles strong, flexible, and healthy. Flexibility is maintaining your range of motion and preventing any muscle tightness. Stretching lowers the risk of muscle injury. Muscles that aren’t warmed up are more likely to strain or tear and can lead to long-term injuries in the muscle or joints.

Even if you aren’t going for a run, your muscles still need to be stretched. Many of us experience tight hamstrings after sitting for long periods of time. Stretching can help with balancing inactivity in the muscle, especially for older people. Preventing muscle strain and improving balance are just some of the benefits of stretching.

Friday Stretch Club at Bolton Spinal Health

As Chiropractors, we recommend stretching daily. Guests that we see who stretch at home/away from the practice tend to see quicker results as stretching can help with the body’s recovery. Therefore, we started Friday Stretch Club. Every Friday we upload a new stretch to try at home. During your time with us at Bolton Spinal Health, we will provide you with stretches to complete alongside your Chiropractic or Massage care. You can always try different stretches to improve your health and wellness in the long term. Check out some of our stretches below and be sure to follow us on social media so you never miss a stretch from our Friday Stretch Club. Here are a few examples of our Friday Stretch Clubs posts below.

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Hip and Lower Back Stretch – Follow the instructions below

1. Place your right elbow on the inside of your right knee.

2. Press your right elbow gently into your right knee and twist your torso to the left.

3. Reach your left arm behind you until you feel a gentle stretch in your lower back and right groin.

4. Hold the stretch for about 20-30 seconds, release and repeat on the other leg.

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Chest Stretch – Follow the instructions below

  1. Take a seated or standing position
  2. Take the arms behind you and, if you can, lace your fingers together.
  3. Straighten the arms and gently lift your hands up a few inches until you feel a stretch in your chest.
  4. Hold for 10 to 30 secondsDO NOT Try this if you have any shoulder pain

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Child’s Pose – Follow the instructions below

1. Come to your hands and knees on the yoga mat.

2. Spread your knees as wide as your mat, keeping the tops of your feet on the floor with the big toes touching.

3. Bring your belly to rest between your thighs and root your forehead to the floor.

4. Stretch your arms in front of you with the palms toward the floor or bring your arms back alongside your thighs with the palms facing upwards.

5. Stay as long as you like, eventually reconnecting with the steady inhales and exhales of your breath.

Make time for stretching and it will benefit you in the long term. Contact us for more information on 01204 848 887.