Like everyone else in the world, our Bolton Spinal Health team are looking forward to Christmas next month. It’s actually one of our busier times at the practice, especially when it comes to helping local residents cope with back problems.

There are a number of reasons why Christmas can cause issues with areas like the lower back. There’s the cold weather for a start, the stress of getting everything done for the festive season and the fact that it’s not the healthiest time of year.

Frequently, we take less time to look after ourselves, overindulge in all sorts of ways and end up doing damage to our lower backs. Here are 5 tips to keep you safe from back pain over the Christmas period.

  1. Wrap Up Warm

Wrap up Warm

It might seem a simple thing to say but make sure you stay warm and wrapped up during the winter period is important. Sudden cold can cause muscles to contract and make old back problems resurface in the blink of an eye.

Back problems are often caused by falls in slippery weather. As well as warm clothing make sure you wear comfortable and appropriate shoes and boots. Icy conditions can be prevalent in Bolton as we all know. If you do need to wear less sensible shoes or heels for a party or event, change into them at the location.

  1. Have a Daily Exercise Regime

Most Chiropractors will tell you how important exercise is for helping solve back problems. We live in a much more inactive world nowadays with many of us stuck at office desks, slumped over our computers. It’s not great for our posture. A brisk walk or some simple stretching, as well as activities like yoga and Pilates, can certainly improve your chances of avoiding any sort of back problem.

If you do have an office desk job, make sure you get up at regular intervals and stretch can prevent back problems from occurring.

  1. Learn to Lift Properly

If you lift heavier weights or loads around Christmas time, especially if you are getting the tree down from the loft, carrying decorations from one room to another or carting around lots of shopping, pay attention to your body. Always bend at the knees with a straight back when you are lifting a heavy box or another object (never try to lift something that is too heavy, always get help).

James recently covered this in a video on our social media page. You can watch it here.

  1. Get Rid of Stress

Did you know that stress can cause back problems or at least make things worse? Our muscles and tendons tighten up and we get into all sorts of unhealthy activities when we’re highly stressed. It may be useful in small measures, but too much stress in your life can cause all sorts of health issues.

De-stressing your life, especially at Christmas when everything is so tense, can actually make you feel more relaxed and less prone to back problems. Try some meditation or simply get more me time, perhaps a nice soak in the bath in the evening. A little here and there can make a big difference.

  1. Putting Up and Taking Down the Decorations

Something as simple as putting up decorations can cause back issues if you are in a rush or stretching too far. Make sure you always use a ladder and don’t overreach as this can put stress on your spine and muscles in ways they were not designed for. Rather than going up and down the ladder, get someone to hand you the decorations and make life easier.

And when you’re getting that big old turkey out of the oven make sure you use the right lifting technique. You’ll be surprised how many people we get at our chiropractic practice who have damaged their backs while making Christmas dinner.

As always, prevention is always better than a cure. If you have a history of struggling with lower back pain and want help over the Christmas period, book an appointment with our chiropractic practice in Bolton.

You’ll always find a friendly team who are dedicated to helping you live life to the full. Not only can we provide treatment for specific back issues, we’re great at giving the advice to make sure you avoid problems in the future.

Contact the team at 01204 848 887 and speak to our attentive team today.