Do not neglect your diet.
We all know how fast we can jump from healthy, pre-summer diets to post-holiday indulgence. The months of bikinis and thin layers are over, however, that doesn’t mean that we should neglect our body and lifestyle. Ensuring you are always prepared with healthy snacks and incorporate plenty of delicious seasonal vegetables on your diet such as broccoli, eggplant, kale and pumpkin. If you would like to know more about diet and ensuring you have enough vitamins, please ask one of our Practitioners or contact a specialist nutritionist.
Stay active.
As the days are getting shorter and colder, it is becoming harder and harder to find the determination to get off the couch and exercise. Keep yourself busy with a new exercise regimen to stay motivated. Whether it’s a dance class, a run, or a hike, be active.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
We couldn’t possibly emphasise the significance of water to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In colder weather, our body’s thirst is diminished, meaning we are more likely to drink less water. Ultimately, this may cause a ripple effect on our digestion, kidney’s health, spinal health, immune system and skin. So, if you want to stay hydrated and healthy, the simplest thing you can do is make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Your body will thank you.
Boost your immune system.
October is probably the most common month to catch the occasional cold. If your vitamin intake is insufficient, your stress levels elevated and workload is piling up, you are more susceptible to go down with the seasonal flu. At Bolton Spinal Health we help your body align so the immune system has less/no interference meaning it can work freely in your body. If you want to learn more about how we help with your immune system please ask the practitioners in the clinic and they will be happy to help.
Let go of what is unnecessary.
Autumn is the season to let go of things you no longer need. Just like trees shedding their leaves, nature is giving us the example to rid of all the extra baggage we have been lugging around for far too long, reconnect with ourselves and embrace the next chapter of our lives.
Meditation might be the answer! It only takes a few minutes per day to tune in, listen to yourself and reflect. Think of where you are in life, where you want to be and what are the things that are holding you back. Work out a plan of how you are going to get rid of them day by day and prepare yourself to achieve your ultimate life goals.
At Bolton Spinal Health we are here to help you live life to the full. All the above can help you this Autumn but our team are always available to talk to you and help you with any health queries. If we can help, we will help you. If we cannot help you we will try to advise you who may be able to help. We have Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Massage to help you live life to the full. Call us on 01204 848 887 to book your next appointment or email